Friday, September 30, 2011

The Sweet Stuff

Hello, again! I hope the time between posts has been sweet for you.  Much has happened in my little world sense we last chatted! For starters...I turned 26! That's right folks, I can't fake adulthood any longer! It is officially upon me. I had not one or two, but four celebrations! They were all fantastic, and full of joy and laughter, but more on that later!

Most of the time it difficult to see beauty in brokenness. It is hard to find wonder where there is so much pain and hurt. Some days, there seems to be an over-abundance of brokenness and deep sorrow wherever my eyes fall.

Most of the time, I stink at making decisions - and choosing a specific item, or restaurant, or TV show (although Friends or the Office will always win) - but from the small amount of time I have been in this city, I am having to choose. I am struggling and fighting to choose love, community, joy, sorrow, beauty, forgiveness, and tenacity. Let me tell you - it is tough work - this choosing business - but I am not alone.

So, I wanted to give you all a little glimpse of the beautiful...

The laughter of the ladies who work at Sari Bari hangs in air like music as I remove sticking from bags or sew crooked lines on my blanket.

Freeset - a sister business of Sari Bari, just celebrated there 10 year anniversary- 10 years of increased advocacy for our friends in the red light areas!

The other day, I saw a grandfather tenderly, and with much laughter - showing his granddaughter the holiday decorations and lights that have gone up all around the city.

Impromptu dance parties are always fun - and last week we had a great one at Sari Bari! Confession - I am not much of a dancer, but when the ladies say dance - I do! It was such a sweet time of hearty laughter and crazy moves.

On the path to Sari Bari, there are pink flowers planted on the roof tops of many of the buildings. Hmm...they provide such beauty on a tough walk.

There are lovely, green trees near our house! Oh, they are beautiful - and provide such a welcome relief from the buildings and business of the city.

Recently, I have started to feel like the neighborhood in which we live is home. I see some of the same people on the streets near our house, and they often give genuine smiles and we'll chat for a bit. Have I mentioned that my mastery of Bengali is quite limited!

Also - this is probably just beautiful to me, but near one of the SB units, there is a business that uses a wood fire to make their product, and wood smoke is one of my most favorite smells. It smells like autumn in Georgia - which is my favorite time of the year...which is I type! Oh, it's such a gift.

So, loves - there you have it...a small view of beauty through my eyes.

As I mentioned before, I turned 26!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! But, alas - my tuish is sore from sitting in this chair, so I'll blog about all the crazy fun that happened later!

Also, as a side note- this song has been my prayer for my friends in this city, my prayer for my journey, and my prayer for Kolkata. My friend, Amy is also praying this with me. Join us, please.

Love all around,


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