Monday, November 7, 2011

What to Write?

My goodness, it's been a month of Sunday's since we last met! I stink at blogging! I'm sorry, folks - I'm not too good at processing through this portal, and you all deserve better. 

Needless to say, there have been many crazy adventures since we last chatted; one of which includes an unexpected stay at a hotel in Dhaka, Bangladesh - but more on that later! 

As I type, I have no idea what to write about because so much has happened. I feel like there's so much to say and write, but no real words can escape the confines of my sluggish brain and confused heart. That sounds overly dramatic, and I don't mean to make it sound sound as if my spirit is dead- because it's not. These day's it seems like I have more questions than answers, which may be a good thing- but let me confess, it is often disheartening. 

I'm a little more than halfway through my time in Kolkata which feels so weird to say because it's flown by. As I sit in this internet cafe that I know so well, I cannot form a single substantial antidote. I will save those for another day. 

But what about today, you say? Well, today I pray for mercy - mercy for the kids we met in Bangkok who fight battles they should know nothing of, mercy for my friends at Sari Bari whose lives have been drenched with sorrow but now know glimpses of hope, mercy for the kids at Mama T's who are incredible, but know too well the confines of the four walls of the children's home,  mercy for the people who beg on street - whose bodies are calloused and whose faces tell the stories of endless days in the sun with too little food and not enough celebration of spirit, and mercy for myself - a wondering, wandering, sojourner.  

Love all around, 


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