Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Prayer

The following words were written and spoken by Walter Brueggemann. 

Among us are shrivelled women
who in despair do not eat,
who in powerlessness weep downcast,
whose lips tremble, and
who barely dare ask otherwise.
We in our compassion and sensitivity
stand alongside those shrivelled women,
who in despair do not eat,
who in powerlessness weep downcast,
whose lips tremble, and
who barely dare ask otherwise.
Down deep in all candor we ourselves
are among those shrivelled women;
we also in despair do not eat,
we also in powerlessness weep downcast,
we also have lips that tremble, and
we also barely dare ask otherwise.
They wait…
We wait alongside them…
We wait.
And you… sometimes… speak shalom and the world is made new.
This day is our despairing hope,
grant that we, along with all shrivelled women,
may – before sundown – eat and praise and depart in peace.
For now, we wait. 

Love All Around, 

Monday, November 7, 2011

What to Write?

My goodness, it's been a month of Sunday's since we last met! I stink at blogging! I'm sorry, folks - I'm not too good at processing through this portal, and you all deserve better. 

Needless to say, there have been many crazy adventures since we last chatted; one of which includes an unexpected stay at a hotel in Dhaka, Bangladesh - but more on that later! 

As I type, I have no idea what to write about because so much has happened. I feel like there's so much to say and write, but no real words can escape the confines of my sluggish brain and confused heart. That sounds overly dramatic, and I don't mean to make it sound sound as if my spirit is dead- because it's not. These day's it seems like I have more questions than answers, which may be a good thing- but let me confess, it is often disheartening. 

I'm a little more than halfway through my time in Kolkata which feels so weird to say because it's flown by. As I sit in this internet cafe that I know so well, I cannot form a single substantial antidote. I will save those for another day. 

But what about today, you say? Well, today I pray for mercy - mercy for the kids we met in Bangkok who fight battles they should know nothing of, mercy for my friends at Sari Bari whose lives have been drenched with sorrow but now know glimpses of hope, mercy for the kids at Mama T's who are incredible, but know too well the confines of the four walls of the children's home,  mercy for the people who beg on street - whose bodies are calloused and whose faces tell the stories of endless days in the sun with too little food and not enough celebration of spirit, and mercy for myself - a wondering, wandering, sojourner.  

Love all around, 


Friday, September 30, 2011

The Sweet Stuff

Hello, again! I hope the time between posts has been sweet for you.  Much has happened in my little world sense we last chatted! For starters...I turned 26! That's right folks, I can't fake adulthood any longer! It is officially upon me. I had not one or two, but four celebrations! They were all fantastic, and full of joy and laughter, but more on that later!

Most of the time it difficult to see beauty in brokenness. It is hard to find wonder where there is so much pain and hurt. Some days, there seems to be an over-abundance of brokenness and deep sorrow wherever my eyes fall.

Most of the time, I stink at making decisions - and choosing a specific item, or restaurant, or TV show (although Friends or the Office will always win) - but from the small amount of time I have been in this city, I am having to choose. I am struggling and fighting to choose love, community, joy, sorrow, beauty, forgiveness, and tenacity. Let me tell you - it is tough work - this choosing business - but I am not alone.

So, I wanted to give you all a little glimpse of the beautiful...

The laughter of the ladies who work at Sari Bari hangs in air like music as I remove sticking from bags or sew crooked lines on my blanket.

Freeset - a sister business of Sari Bari, just celebrated there 10 year anniversary- 10 years of increased advocacy for our friends in the red light areas!

The other day, I saw a grandfather tenderly, and with much laughter - showing his granddaughter the holiday decorations and lights that have gone up all around the city.

Impromptu dance parties are always fun - and last week we had a great one at Sari Bari! Confession - I am not much of a dancer, but when the ladies say dance - I do! It was such a sweet time of hearty laughter and crazy moves.

On the path to Sari Bari, there are pink flowers planted on the roof tops of many of the buildings. Hmm...they provide such beauty on a tough walk.

There are lovely, green trees near our house! Oh, they are beautiful - and provide such a welcome relief from the buildings and business of the city.

Recently, I have started to feel like the neighborhood in which we live is home. I see some of the same people on the streets near our house, and they often give genuine smiles and we'll chat for a bit. Have I mentioned that my mastery of Bengali is quite limited!

Also - this is probably just beautiful to me, but near one of the SB units, there is a business that uses a wood fire to make their product, and wood smoke is one of my most favorite smells. It smells like autumn in Georgia - which is my favorite time of the year...which is I type! Oh, it's such a gift.

So, loves - there you have it...a small view of beauty through my eyes.

As I mentioned before, I turned 26!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! But, alas - my tuish is sore from sitting in this chair, so I'll blog about all the crazy fun that happened later!

Also, as a side note- this song has been my prayer for my friends in this city, my prayer for my journey, and my prayer for Kolkata. My friend, Amy is also praying this with me. Join us, please.

Love all around,


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Deferred Hope

Let's just get this on the table....I am the worst blogger in the history of the interweb! Now that that's been admitted, we can all move on in freedom (meaning, I will most likely, not blog very often).

I made it to India! I've been in this amazing land for almost 2 weeks, and it has been an incredible, chaotic, overwhelming, crazy and wonderful journey thus far. There are too many stories to type in this space, but if you'd like other perspectives - visit my partner's in crime- Natalie and Taylor, who offer wonderful insight into our journeys together. We recently moved in with our host family, and they are some of the most incredible people I have ever met. I have already learned so much about hospitality, service, and grace. They have welcomed us into their home, lives, and hearts, and we could not be gifted with a better family to live out our 4 months with.

Currently, we work at Sari Bari 3 days a week, and a Missionaries of Charity home 2 days a week. The ladies who work at Sari Bari have such generous hearts and have freely welcomed us into their workspace.  They eagerly assist us with our Bengali lessons, and it is a site to see! As I muddle through Bengali, they graciously correct me, and offer crucial advice on how to marry a good man- the latter of which is always received with a  hearty laugh.

The kids who we work with at the Missionaries of Charity home are tenacious and full of an infectious joyful spirit. They will most likely live in a Missionaries of Charity home their entire life, which means they will see many volunteers come and go, but the Sisters, Brothers, women, and men who work there day after day, and year after year, fill the kids lives with laughter and love. 

The WMF community in Kolkata knows intimately the concept of deferred hope. As they work with, and serve the women of Sari Bari - they grasp onto the hope that is to come - even when it seems that all hope has been drowned out by the daily struggles and toils of fighting for freedom from the visible and invisible chains that encompass so many in this city.

So, as I begin my journey - I too hold fast to deferred  hope. I hope for what I cannot see and do not feel. I hope for freedom, peace, and love for all.  I hope for the light that is not squelched by darkness.

Love all around,


Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Hey there blogger world! Sorry I've been MIA for a while; I've been relishing the summer sun and getting to know the grass at Clark Park (it's awesome)! Lately, I've been sending out support letters like mad! I thought I would give y'all a little peak of the letter.

So, here it is...
Greetings from the City of Brotherly Love! 

This letter may seem somewhat out-of-the-blue, but I am writing to offer an update on the happenings of my life and make a plea for support!  
In May, I graduated from Eastern University with a Masters in Urban and Community Development. My master’s thesis centered on how the world-wide degradation of females propagates sex slavery.  The research process was one wrought with endless tears and heartbreaking discoveries.  The more entrenched I became in the research, the more I felt my soul being drawn to the countless women and girls who experience the daily torture of forced prostitution. 
While conducting research, I stumbled upon the organization, Word Made Flesh’s website. I had heard about the organization years earlier at a conference and had since heard wonderful things about the work they are doing with the broken and marginalized people of the world. I read about the incredible things they are doing to provide alternative employment and holistic healing for women who want to leave the brothels of Kolkata. Five years ago, Word Made Flesh birthed the organization Sari Bari which is a nonprofit that teaches women how to sew so that they can make blankets, and other goods to sale and earn money. Sari Bari is a place where the grace of God flows freely. It’s a place of solace and love where the women are free, and do not experience the fear they once knew so intimately in the brothels. I  joyfully discovered that WMF offers opportunities for people to serve along with them in Kolkata, so here I am...gearing up to head to India in August! I’ll be in Kolkata for 4 months learning from, and serving the women and those who work with them. I am awe of the opportunity that has been laid before me. It’s amazing how intimately Jesus knows our hearts and deepest longings. 
The 4 month stint, which WMF calls a “servant team” costs about 5,000, and unfortunately, I do not have that sort of expendable income. So, with a bleeding heart and an empty piggy bank, I am asking for your help. 
 If you would like to offer monetary support, all donations are tax deductible and you have a few  options of how to send money.  
The fastest way to give is to go to; click on the “support wmf” tab at the top of the page. then click on the “give” option. Once at the “give” portal, choose the “give by credit card” option; click the blue “donate” and then fill out your personal credit card information. Make sure to put “Erin Miller” in the designation box, or you can send a check to:
Word Made Flesh              or to              Erin Miller                          
P.O. Box 70                                           2470 Morgan Valley Rd. 
Omaha, NE 68101                                Rockmart, GA 30153
If you send money directly to Word Made Flesh, make sure to fill out the purple sheet enclosed with the letter, and put my name the first blank that denotes the particular servant team member you are supporting. 
If you would like me to send the money to Word Made Flesh, just send it to the Rockmart address above and I’ll make sure the tax exempt form reaches your residence. 
It’s a strange thing, asking for money, and I know that not all can give in that form, but what I need most is prayer. Prayer for the community of people in Kolkata who serve everyday, prayer for the thousands of women and children who are trapped by the visible and invisible chains of the brothels, and prayer for my team and me as we enter with trepidation and abounding grace into a land unknown. If you would like to stay updated on my all of my adventures and happenings in India, you may do so at 
Sincerely yours,
Erin  Miller

So there it is...what do yea think? 
More later! 

Love all around 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Here We Go...

Hello blog world. Oh, how big you seem.

So, this is my very first blog post. Don't worry, I feel the pressure.